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爱达荷州发射 grants provide graduating high school seniors with an opportunity to have up to 80% of their tuition 和 fees covered, 最高8美元,000, 对于那些导向热门职业的项目, 包括 10 .科学与工程学院课程. 另外, students who receive 爱达荷州发射 grants have the option to combine them with other scholarships offered by 爱达荷州 State University.



Welcome to 爱达荷州 State University’s 科学与工程学院, thank you for considering ISU to be a part of your future!学生 majoring in one of the many STEM disciplines in the College have the unique opportunity to get involved in the groundbreaking research happening at 爱达荷州 State from day one of their academic careers. Undergraduate Bengals have been a part of developing the systems that will 保护核反应堆免受黑客攻击,正在寻找方法 对抗耐抗生素细菌, studying life at the deepest depths of the ocean for what those microbes can tell us about 其他星球上的生命,恢复了 红山上历史性的“我”等等. 不仅仅是简历上令人印象深刻的一行字, our students are often authors on papers published in some of the world’s most respected scientific journals. Plus, our students can get paid for their research contributions through the 职业道路实习计划.  The 科学与工程学院 faculty are talented teachers, 菲律宾ABG欧博网人员, 以及致力于学生成功的导师. 我们的 学生与教师的比例低 allows our faculty to get to know their students 和 provide individualized instruction not typically found at a public university. 我们的学生可以在世界一流的设施中学习, 比如我们的核工程实验室, 家 全美仅有的25座校园核反应堆之一麦凯附近的失落河田野站等等.

You’ll find world-class recreational opportunities in 和 around Pocatello outside the classroom. Just minutes from campus are miles 和 miles of fantastic 远足和自行车道, 在罗斯公园攀岩, 在圆石溪滑雪场滑雪和单板滑雪等等.  如果你想离开这里, 黄石国家公园一日游很轻松, 大提顿国家公园, 太阳谷, 或杰克逊霍尔. 如果你有任何问题,不要害怕问!! 我们的 faculty 和 staff are more than willing to answer your questions about life at 爱达荷州 State University. 您可以通过(208)282-3099或cose@isu与我们联系.edu. 你也可以关注我们 Instagram, LinkedIn, 推特, 脸谱网. 如果你还没有,我鼓励你去做 预订校园游 和 meet with current students, see the campus, chat with some of your professors. 


The College includes 10 departments: 生物科学, 化学, 计算机科学, 地球科学, 数学 & 统计、物理、土木 & 环境工程、电气 & Computer Engineering, 机械工程, 核工程.

Each department offers a range of degrees pertinent to its discipline, 包括学士学位(理学学士).S.)及文学士(B.A.) degrees as well as the graduate Master of Science (M.S.)和博士学位(D.A., Ph.D)度. The individual strengths of these departments 和 degrees coalesce to create a college that leads in innovation, 增长,, 最重要的是, 学生的成功.